Unichef Registration and Subscription Levels (read before joining)
It is important for any prospective member to fully understand that your membership is for life, and that you will always be a registered stakeholder in Unichef, The National chefs Union, until such time that you request that you be deregistered and are taken off our official Register of Members.
If you have subscribed, when your payments cease you will be classified as an Unsubscribed Member (not paying subscriptions) but will still be on our Register as a member of the Unichef website. You will not be entitled to any benefits or support, but may still receive newsletters and information and cannot unsubscribe from them unless you leave the Union Register.
Each and every member is a registered Stakeholder within the company and is legally liable for the debts of Unichef up to the value of £1. Your first pound is taken as a guarantee to any creditors of Unichef. Thereafter, Members have no other liabilities.
Full Membership
Click the Purple image above to subscribeThere is a quarterly subscription charge for this tier currently £29.97 per quarter
Full members receive all the benefits of Unichef including full support and representation up to and including ACAS Mediation and Employment Tribunal levels. Support is not automatic or guaranteed and is given on a case-by-case basis, assessed, and then escalated to a caseworker if need be. Full Members have full voting rights and are considered as Stakeholders within the Union whilst they continue with subscriptions.
Please note: Full Memberships have a 3-month probationary period before full union involvement of an unfair dismissal case. Please be aware of this when joining. Urgent cases may be escalated at the Union's discretion.
- Membership Card
- Free Members Discounts at leading stores, Primark, Curry’s, Nike etc
- Membership newsletter and updates
- Online HR Advice Links
- Full Union Voting Rights
- Work grievance/complaint templates and support
- ACAS support and representation
- Online/Phone representation with a disciplinary hearing (discretionary)
- Work issues/complaints, letters, support and advice
- Employer/Employee mediation
- Access to a dedicated HR one-to-one Advice Line.
- Tribunal representation (if required)
- One to One caseworker access.
- Employer/Employee mediation service.
- Full Case Assessment
Annual Membership
Click the Purple image above to SubscribeThere is a yearly charge of £15.00 for this subscription level
This is an “entry-level” subscription that allows you to join our Union and enjoy the community, whilst not being fully engaged with the Union.
Members have limited rights and access to some specialist services as only subscribed, fully paid members can access Unichef’s full support package including benefits. Annual Members may use our Social Media sites and ask for brief advice from our helplines.
Annual Members can have their issues initially assessed by our support staff via SMS but cannot be fully taken on by a caseworker. Only Full Members have assigned caseworkers and can have a case supported.
We thank you for reaching out to us, your support is vital in helping Unichef support UK Chefs and the Hospitality Industry.
You will receive:
- Entry Level Membership without voting rights
- Membership card
- Entitlement to communicate with a Union official via SMS
- Initial Issue Assessments and advice via SMS
- Membership Newsletters and updates
- Online HR and ACAS links
- Full website access
- Grievance support
- Regular news and updates
- Upgrade to Full Membership at any time
It is important to read the following as it explains the registration process and how you can also manage your subscriptions should you decide to subscribe or upgrade your subscription.
Click on any of the Subscribe Now images above to proceed with your subscription.
If you are already a subscriber, you will be shown your current subscription plan and any upgrade options that may be available to you.
It is IMPERATIVE that you complete all of the fields accurately, or it may delay your subscription.
Your email address MUST be valid and working as the system will send you a validation email to confirm your email address; if your email address is typed in wrong it will delay your subscription, so please double-check to make sure it is entered correctly.
Subscribers will be held for administrator approval, so there may be a short delay whilst your membership is approved.
Your personal account menu is located in the top menu and shows as your logged in name - click this to open the menu, and you will see an entry titled 'Manage Subscriptions' see below:
When you click/tap this option, you will be taken to the subscription page. If you are already registered, you will have the option to choose any upgrade options if any are available. At all times, you are in control of your subscriptions.
If you have any issues or questions, use the contact link shown at the bottom of every page.